Förenade Reikiförbundet i Sverige
United Reiki Association in Sweden (En)
Organisation type
An association for reiki practitioners all over Sweden. The board has 14 chairs and almost 600 members.
United Reiki Association in Sweden was founded in 2006 as a venue for reiki practitioners.
Within a couple of years Reiki was considered as wellbing, which allowed employees all over the
country to get Reiki treatments within their health care money (« friskvårdspeng » is an annualy
amount that only can be used for health care).
We have also developed course criterias, created an easy-share-blog to show what Reiki can help
you with and created platforms that makes it easier for our members to be found by those who
are interested in reiki.
We have one big annual meeting every year in different places in the country.
Goals and projects
United Reiki Association in Sweden want go « raise the energy in everything trough Reiki » and our mission is to :
- Increase the knowing of Reiki
- Expand the use of Reiki
- Enable exchange of experiences
- Join reiki practitioners in Sweden
- Support networks
- Quality assure Reiki workshops
- Work togheter with : Other healing organisations, the goverment, the health care system and complementary medicine
You can be a member if you, at least, has attended a Reiki 1 workshop and live in Sweden.

President Bengt-Arne Gustavsson, Strubbgatan 4, Lidköping
Internationnal Phone number:
Mail address: info@reikiforbundet.se
Website: https://reikiforbundet.se
Commitment to ERG
We are blessed to be able to work together with reiki practitioners from other countries and learn from each other.
Representatives to ERG
1st representant: Anna-Sofia Giese Vesterlund
2nd representant: Sonja Radisavljevic
Rules & regulation
Code of Ethics: https://reikiforbundet.se/vagledande-etik
Statutes: https://reikiforbundet.se/stadgar
Rules of procedure: https://reikiforbundet.se/om-reikiforbundet
Easy to read research: https://reikiforbundet.se/category/forskning
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