Asociația Reiki Usui® – România (En)
Organisation type
Asociatia Reiki Usui® is a non-profit organization which represents the interest of an important Reiki community from Romania.
The story of the Asociatia Reiki Usui® began in the fall of 2006, when 10 friends and Reiki teachers, after 12 years of Reiki practice, would have liked to spend more time together experiencing Reiki. It seemed like we can be together, help each other and have fun.
( (go up & right to English/ German flag)
Asociatia Reiki Usui® was established with the desire to support the community, to participate in improving the quality of life, and to have an organized framework for Reiki activities. First, it was necessary to learn what a non-profit organization means, then to find our role as an organization, and then to learn to collaborate with each other based on respect and compassion. It wasn’t easy, but we grew in our responsibilities and put our hearts into it. We have learned to work together, to respect that we have common experiences through Reiki practice, even though we are very different as individuals. The Reiki Usui Association® is a registered trademark since 2009 and provides Reiki services both to members and supporters of the organization and to people outside of the organization.
In 2012, the Asociatia Reiki Usui® established the Reiki House, with the purpose of providing a physical space for everyday Reiki practice and volunteer activities. Here we practice Reiki for both our benefit and the benefit of the patients. After the Reiki courses, students receive a 3 month practice subscription, so they can come to practice with the Reiki master they graduated from. Subscriptions have been created for Reiki practitioners involving a modest cost of 5 Euro per month so they can benefit from 12 hours of practice/month and at the same time they are volunteers and provide Reiki to beneficiaries (patients).
Since 2014 Asociatia Reiki Usui® has various Western and Japanese Reiki schools present: Usui Shiki Ryoho, Gendai Reiki Ho, Komyo Reiki Kai, etc. It is a coexistence based on mutual respect, with each Reiki school following the teachings of its own Reiki method and the teachings of their master or sensei. We don’t mix the teachings or groups. The goal is to offer freedom for each Reiki school, but to keep the balance between them, respecting each other paths. At the meetings of the Association, no any Reiki group pushes its practice or method, but we do together, as a common practice, the Reiki exercises of sensei Usui (such as self-healing, Reiki meditation on the five Reiki principles, purification of the body and mind, etc.). In this way, we stay connected to each other through Reiki and in harmony. At all meetings, we emphasize the values on which we build the Reiki community: gratitude, modesty, love, compassion and respect, daily Reiki self-practice, and the five principles of Reiki (Gokai).
Most of the Reiki teachers within the Asociatia Reiki Usui® have also taken Reiki courses in Japan. September 23, 2018 was an important moment in the history of Reiki in general, and for the Asociatia Reiki Usui® who participated to the unveiling of the monument at the birthplace of sensei Mikao Usui from Japan with 18 Reiki teachers from Romania.
The years 2020-2021 were challenging for the Reiki activities, but Asociatia Reiki Usui® has found new ways to share Reiki and be together. As an Association, we have become more aware of the role of Reiki in our lives, in the community, and in the world. In 2019 we got in touch with Elaine, from Reiki Home, and she showed us how to organize online practice meetings and Reiki sharing. We are grateful to Reiki Home, because in this way we managed to keep the community together.
Today, in Asociatia Reiki Usui®:
a) can meet again in person and have Reiki sessions and practice at the Reiki Houses in five cities. In addition, we have also virtual Reiki sharing’s and circles, and we are careful to keep the balance between physical and virtual meetings for Reiki practitioners. We intend to develop the activity at Reiki House, and increase the number of volunteers in other parts of Romania.
b) has collaborations/ partnerships with other smaller Romanian organizations and Reiki groups.
c) represent the interest of both Reiki individuals and Reiki businesses. It holds the space for Reiki activities, but the Association doesn’t give courses, accreditations or any over certifications, etc.
d) does ONLY Reiki (no other methods). But members, as individuals, do what they want in their private practice, and in their business, which is their responsibility. The Reiki beneficiaries who ask for Reiki sessions at the Association, seems to be happy that we do only Reiki and that they feel very safe and have the comfort that nobody does not introduce thoughts, and does not take control over their body or life, etc.
e) has correspondence and collaborations with international Reiki organizations and other Reiki teachers as follows:
– In 2009: learning of Japanese Reiki practice (exercises) from master Fodor Gyorgy (Hungary), who participated at three Reiki trainings in Japan;
– In 2013: correspondence with Pamela Miles from New York who allowed us to translate into Romanian the specialized materials and medical studies she participated ( reiki ;.
– In 2015: attended the Dento Reiki conference with Hiroshi Doi sensei (Japan) in Madrid;
– In 2015 and 2017: were two-time invitation of Master Rick Bockner (Canada) for Reiki conferences in Brasov / Romania;
– In 2016: enroll the Association in The Reiki Association from UK.
– In 2020 we became a founder of the European Reiki Group, with other 9 inclusive national Reiki organizations from other 9 European countries.
– In 2020 we start to collaborate with Reiki Home from the USA for holding Reiki meditation, in English and Romanian.
f) works only with volunteers, so there is no need to give salary or make profit, so we pay attention to having resources for projects which are close to our values and hearts. After 17 years of operation, the association has 25 master members, and around 200 volunteers in 7 major cities from Romania.
The Asociatia Reiki Usui® has gone through various changes and challenges, but Reiki has always held us in its hands in an unconditional and unlimited way. We are grateful to Reiki, to our teachers, members, volunteers, and to all Reiki practitioners around the world.
Goals and projects
“HANDS FOR LIFE” express the Vision of Asociatia Reiki Usui®.
Asociatia Reiki Usui® creates the framework to honor:
a) Reiki, which is common in our lives and connects us. Respect the Essence of Reiki, which is the Key to become One with the Universe.
b) The Form of Reiki which is the Reiki School that gives a method of practice (for example the information and exercises). Here are differences between the different Forms (methods) but the Essence (Reiki) is the same.
c) The Structure of the Form (for example an organization) whose role is to provide the legal, organizational and overseeing Reiki activities, and to keep the values of the Form and of Reiki Essence.
Art. 6 – The purpose of the association is to improve the quality of life of people of all ages, to increase their physical and intellectual capacities, by promoting a positive, optimistic thinking and attitude, a concern for oneself, for those around, towards the environment and permanent energy balancing through Reiki.
Values on which are built our Reiki community is respect, modesty, honesty, gratitude, compassion, daily Reiki practice and applying the Five Reiki Principles (Gokai). We use the metaphor of the roundabout (traffic). In the center of the roundabout, we put core values about Reiki, around which everything is moving, so we allow information and people to come in and go out to keep the flow inside the group, but we all respect the practice and the common values of Reiki.
Art. 7 The objectives of the association are:
– Promoting Reiki as a method to improve the quality of life.
– Organizing debates on topics specific to his activity, seminars, colloquiums, communication sessions, for Reiki practitioners from Braşov and Romania and for those interested in this method, as well as organizing training for them. The organization of Reiki camps and any other topics that are in accordance with the goals and objectives of the association.
– Participation in congresses, conferences, symposia and actions organized by associations or clubs in the country or abroad, as well as those of international bodies.
– Collaboration with other similar national and international associations, bodies and organizations as well as with state, governmental and non-governmental institutions, with a view to the official recognition of the Reiki method in Romania.
– Supporting the members of the ASSOCIATION in order to achieve the proposed goal of the association, by all means, including by facilitating access to information by establishing a library and video library to which both the members of the Association and other persons can have access, on a contractual basis, as well as by facilitating the exchange of information and experience among association members.
– Organizing an appropriate promotion through all legal means – specialized literature, leaflets, press, radio, TV, internet – of the aim, objectives and actions of the association.
– The preparation and sending to the members of the ASSOCIATION of a periodic newsletter as well as its own website, intended to facilitate communication and information about the traditional Reiki method, and about other related methods.
– Affiliation, association or cooperation with other organizations in the country or abroad with activities compatible with those of the Association, in order to achieve the exchange of experience and to carry out joint programs.
– Supporting natural persons through the activities organized within the association, as well as by providing material aid in case of special situations.
– Involvement in the implementation of national programs, financed from non-reimbursable funds, granted to Romania within the framework of actions to support the integration process in the European Union under the conditions regulated by this Statute and the laws in force.
– The organization of direct, lucrative, ancillary economic activities, related to the main purpose of the association, to ensure own income in accordance with the legal regulations in the field.
– The establishment of commercial companies, in accordance with the legal provisions, so that the dividends obtained will be used to achieve the purpose and objectives of the association.
– The association can change its organizational structure, under the law, by transforming into a Foundation, if this will facilitate the improvement of the activity and the achievement of the proposed goal.
Asociatia Reiki Usui® is a non-profit organization and is also a Reiki Community. As a community, our aim is:
– To create and hold a space of respect.
– To shift from me to us, from profit and personal interest to the group interest, to have an open heart to others and to the community needs/ interests.
– To create and hold a space of safety for members, volunteers, practitioners, and beneficiaries.
– To keep Reiki ethics and apply simplicity, modesty, compassion, and respect.
– To support simultaneously the interests of individual members/businesses and the interests of the entire Reiki community through a non-profit activity.
– To keep in mind that the only thing that connects us it is the Reiki method, which is so simple, profound and clear.
Since 2006, after 17 years of operation, the Asociatia Reiki Usui® has 25 Reiki teachers/ master members and around 200 volunteers in 7 major cities from Romania.
The members are independent Reiki teachers who decide to be in an organization where we represent Reiki and Reiki school’s common interests (not individual interest). At the organization, all of us are volunteers, both masters and Reiki practitioners.
The members and volunteers of the organization are people who have benefited from Reiki and/ or the organization’s services and currently assume engagement in activities. In the Association we represent individuals and also Reiki businesses.
We have Reiki session beneficiaries, who are people who do not have Reiki initiation but want to improve their quality of life through Reiki. The association has between 50-100 external beneficiaries annually, over 75% of which belong to vulnerable groups (people over 60 years old, disabled, cancer patients, marginalized by society, etc.).
Asociatia Reiki Usui® is also a Reiki community (not a Reiki business) and create the space for Reiki teachers to unlimited access to all updated Reiki information in the method they learned, so they can offer their best.
In the Asociatia Reiki Usui® we do not impose rules on our members, we don’t put conditions on the teachers or to their group regarding their Reiki school, we do not ask them to report us about how many students they have, we do not control their activity, we do not tell them what to do and what not. But we remind always them that they are part of a community with common Reiki experiences, but without common personal beliefs, so respecting each other is important. Values are around everything is moving in the Association.

Romania, 500045 Brasov, str Horia no. 81, ap. 1
Internationnal Phone number:
0040722923502 Mrs. Enikő Szeréna Simon
Mail address:
Website: (for English and German link to the flag on up & right)
Commitment to ERG
Asociatia Reiki Usui® would like to be part and to develop a European Reiki Community.
Representatives to ERG
1st representant:
Mrs. Oana Niculina Cociș, ERG Treasurer
2nd representant:
Mrs. Enikő Szeréna Simon
Other (and role):
Rules & regulation
Rules/ procedures: from Statute (for English and German link to the flag on up & right)
How become volunteer: (for English and German link to the flag on up & right)
Guide for volunteers: (for English and German link to the flag on up & right)
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